Tavaly júniusban mi is leközöltük, hogy az Angyali gonosz trilógia írója, Wendy Higgins egy extra, kiegészítő kötetet ír a sorozathoz, méghozzá Kaidan szemszögével, most pedig végre láthatjuk a borítót is!
Pontosan hét hónap múlva a rajongók egyetlen könyvben (Sweet Temptation) olvashatják a Sweet Evil (Angyali gonosz), az Sweet Peril (Angyali Szövetség) és a Sweet Reckoning (hamarosan a Maximnál!) kulcsjeleneteit, és mindezt végig Kaidan nézőpontjából. Megtudhatjuk mikor mi járt a fejében, illetve mit csinált, amikor nem volt Annával.
Bad boy Kaidan Rowe has never wanted for anything—money, popularity, musical talent…hot girls—but seducing them is part of his duty as a Nephilim, slave to the demon Dukes. As the son of the Duke of Lust, Kaidan has learned his father’s ways, becoming a master of passion, a manipulator of chemistry. Disobeying his father would mean certain death. Thankfully for Kaidan, he’s good at his job. And he enjoys it.
Until he meets Anna Whitt—sweet, smart, feisty, and inexplicably good—the one girl seemingly immune to his charms. The daughter of a guardian angel and a fallen one, she has a certain power over him, one that makes him wish for more than he could ever deserve.Determined to save all the Neph from their dark lives as the influencers of sin, Anna joins forces with Kaidan to overcome the demons’ oppressive ways. In the light of her affections, Kaidan must undergo his toughest test of all, a battle of the heart.Sensual and swoon worthy, this companion volume to the acclaimed Sweet Evil series from New York Times bestselling author Wendy Higgins, told from the perspective of the irresistibly sexy and mysterious Kaidan Rowe, gives readers revealing insights into his struggle, his intense connection to Anna, and most of all, the true emotions that drive him.