Megérkezett a négysikerű Firelight sorozat befejező részének, a Hidden-nek az előzetese. A sorozat első részének – a Firelight jogait megvette a Könnymolyképző kiadó, és várhatóan 2013. szeptember 15-én kerül a hazai polcokra Firelight – Lángvilág címmel.
A dangerous journey.
Shattered bonds.
Undying passion.Jacinda was supposed to bond with Cassian, the “prince” of their pride. But she resisted her fate long before she fell in love with Will—a human and, worse, a hunter. When she ran away with Will, it ended in disaster, with Cassian’s sister, Miram, captured. Weighed down by guilt, Jacinda knows she must rescue her to set things right. Yet to do so she will have to venture deep into the heart of enemy territory.
The only way Jacinda can reach Miram is by posing as a prisoner herself, though once she assumes that disguise, things quickly spiral out of her control. As she learns more about her captors, she realizes that even if Will and Cassian can carry out their part of the plan, there’s no guarantee they’ll all make it out alive. But what Jacinda never could have foreseen is that escaping would be only the beginning. . . .
Loyalties are tested and sacrifices made in the explosive conclusion to Sophie Jordan’s Firelight trilogy.
Hát sajnos ez sem lett jobb trailer, mint az előzőek. Sokat nem mond el, de legalább valami. A zene jó, a szöveg figyelemfelkeltő, a füst effekt passzol, de kb. ennyi.
Az első két fejezetet ITT olvashatjátok angolul.